

I heard this mantra a couple of days ago:

Empty me of me Lord, fill me with You.

It came out of a conversation we were having about worry and feeling like we have to carry the weight of our world on our shoulders. Sometimes our busyness can overtake us. It can leave us feeling like we have to take care of it all. Sometimes in the midst of giving to all these other things, we don't have time to be given to, to be filled up, and energized.

I have many things on my mind. Things that I have control over and things that I don't. It is difficult to know which is which. Sometimes to try and gain control over the things I have no control over, I end up taking from the things within my control.

I am learning there is a balance between taking from one to give to the other. Sometimes you have to do that. Sometimes you have to trust.

Empty me of me Lord, fill me with You.


  • At 16.9.08, Blogger Kathy said…

    You always know just what to say to me :) Like a prophet.


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