

I spent a few hours today with a woman who is incredibly creative and gifted in an artistic way. And I realized something. Creative people energize me. I realized that the more she talked about the creative things we were going to do, and the more I heard about the scene we were going to see once her vision becomes a reality - the more excited I got. And then I started thinking...when someone can just hear a vision and get excited about it, and see and touch what that vision is, and want to be a part of it, that's where their passion is. That's where my passion is. That is what's going to energize them to hang on for the next high passionate thing they experience. That's what's going to energize me.
The more I experienced today, the more ideas came to me about things I can do in my ministry, and the more I realized I need creative people around me to keep that energy going.
I was only there for a few hours and I have not felt that energized since who KNOWS when - God knows. And I think He smiled a little today and said, "See, THIS is what you were created for. THIS is how you can worship me. THIS is how you experience me. Don't be afraid of it, EMBRACE it and EMBRACE me."
I had so many encounters with God today, so many times where I stopped and thought about how incredible God is. And so many times where I thought, "God, I don't know how to do it. I want to worship in the way I was created, and I don't know how to do it."
Whatever the days ahead have in store, at least for a few moments TODAY, I had a connection. A real, honest, raw experience with the God who has created all things, and for His pleasure these things were created...things like me.
May you discover the thing that connects you and your God together as one body, one spirit, one passion, one person. Posted by Picasa


  • At 22.5.06, Blogger Stephanie said…

    It's good to hear you excited... I'm glad God lit a spark in you today... we need that sometimes... and sometimes he lights the spark, but we somehow don't realize it. I'm glad you realized it and embraced it.


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