

I am anxious for the day when I can work with teens and not be intimidated by them. I was reminded at the Youth Worker's Conference (by Mr. Bob Ditter himself) that most teen's are in a confusing time in their life. They are dealing with things and trying to figure themselves out - and they may not really care that you're uncomfortable. He also reminded me that a teenager may act as if you are IN one day, and then completely ignore you the next. And it may have nothing to do with you.
So there you go, struggle #628739230483792832 for the day - I am intimidated by teenagers!

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  • At 9.5.06, Blogger Stephanie said…

    I have remember that most teenagers just want to feel accepted and valued... if you give them a sincere compliment, then they are usually on your side. Of course, I guess I have an advantage because many of the teens I work with I have known since way before their teen years. So that might just make me old, but it is definitely cool to see them as 4th graders and then to see them as high schoolers!

    Sorry to ramble, but in fact, today I was talking with Earl, and as I was talking to him, I stopped paying attention to what he was saying and just started thinking about how much he has grown... that the face I was looking at was not the face of the Earl I knew a year ago. He suddenly seemed unrecognizable to me... kind of like when you say a word so much you don't recognize it as a real word anymore. And then I was wondering that if I saw him in public somewhere, would I know it was him. I had to stop our conversation and tell him what I was thinking! Anyways, I am truly blessed that I have gotten to be a normal part of so many children's childhoods!

  • At 11.5.06, Blogger jill said…

    :P Bob Ditter. Makes me think of that rediculously funny video from last summer. Oh the joys!


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