I feel like I'm not aging well.
I'm 26 and I have lines and dark circles under my eyes. I don't want to think that's normal.
I feel like I've aged in the past few years. Like the moment I stepped on American soil to become a resident and tax payer I began this journey that would affect me emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and now it's starting to show physically. The other things I can deal with, mostly try to hide it as best I can. But the physical part, there's no hiding that. People KNOW when you look bad. Kids are really the only people who will TELL you. Everyone else just says, "Oh, you look tired today." Kids will say, "Miss Kristy, why do you have those lines under your eyes?"
Ha ha...I love how honest kids are.
I've looked at eye creams that would take $40 or more out of my pocket. I could get a massage. I could stick to my usual routine of waking up and going straight to the fridge for a cold face mask.
And I wonder if any remedy will help.
I remember reading a short story about a girl who was being beaten by her boyfriend and how her mother knew there was something wrong with her. She didn't know because of the way her daughter acted, she knew because of the way her hair looked. Her mother always knew when something was wrong with her children by the way their hair looked.
And I wonder if physically, my body is screaming for me to notice something is not right. Something needs to change for me to 'look right' again.
I am understanding more and more about the 'seasons' you go through in life. How sometimes the winters are longer than you would like and once spring comes you bless the Lord for getting you through.
I am understanding more and more about having a positive perspective. Sometimes that helps. Sometimes it's just so the people around you don't feel awkward.
I miss having certain friends around us. Friends who are removed from your situations but yet are experiencing them in a different way. Friends who you can rant and rave to and they don't try to fix anything. They just listen and agree that yes, that situation sucks right now.
I wonder where all of this is leading me. What's going to be the turn around point when I get to "look back on this experience?"
I know that one day the headaches will fade, the eye twitches will end, the bags and lines will disappear (God please!) and I will be in a position where I am certain of my purpose and feel confident in my abilities to serve God in whatever I am doing.
Kind of a depressing blog this time.
Someone needs be confident enough to voice their season.
I'm 26 and I have lines and dark circles under my eyes. I don't want to think that's normal.
I feel like I've aged in the past few years. Like the moment I stepped on American soil to become a resident and tax payer I began this journey that would affect me emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and now it's starting to show physically. The other things I can deal with, mostly try to hide it as best I can. But the physical part, there's no hiding that. People KNOW when you look bad. Kids are really the only people who will TELL you. Everyone else just says, "Oh, you look tired today." Kids will say, "Miss Kristy, why do you have those lines under your eyes?"
Ha ha...I love how honest kids are.
I've looked at eye creams that would take $40 or more out of my pocket. I could get a massage. I could stick to my usual routine of waking up and going straight to the fridge for a cold face mask.
And I wonder if any remedy will help.
I remember reading a short story about a girl who was being beaten by her boyfriend and how her mother knew there was something wrong with her. She didn't know because of the way her daughter acted, she knew because of the way her hair looked. Her mother always knew when something was wrong with her children by the way their hair looked.
And I wonder if physically, my body is screaming for me to notice something is not right. Something needs to change for me to 'look right' again.
I am understanding more and more about the 'seasons' you go through in life. How sometimes the winters are longer than you would like and once spring comes you bless the Lord for getting you through.
I am understanding more and more about having a positive perspective. Sometimes that helps. Sometimes it's just so the people around you don't feel awkward.
I miss having certain friends around us. Friends who are removed from your situations but yet are experiencing them in a different way. Friends who you can rant and rave to and they don't try to fix anything. They just listen and agree that yes, that situation sucks right now.
I wonder where all of this is leading me. What's going to be the turn around point when I get to "look back on this experience?"
I know that one day the headaches will fade, the eye twitches will end, the bags and lines will disappear (God please!) and I will be in a position where I am certain of my purpose and feel confident in my abilities to serve God in whatever I am doing.
Kind of a depressing blog this time.
Someone needs be confident enough to voice their season.
At 9.11.06,
A. St. said…
I understand how you feel. I was driving down the road yesterday morning, putting on my mascara as usual (what- it's completely and utterly safe-ha) and I almost got myself into a doozy of an accident NOT because I was putting on mascara, but because I noticed MY dark circles and sagging eyelids in the rearview mirror which doesn't hide a darn thing! Seriously, if you want to know what you REALLY look like, look in the car mirrors. It's depressing, man.
I love you. Just want you to know that. I hear your voice when I read your blog, and I know that what I am hearing is your heart.
Seasons are bound to come and go. We just noctice them a hell of alot more the older we get, huh?
I say get that massage. I say put on that mask, and buy that concealer. I say get some rest and don't force yourself to be everything to everybody all the time. It's an epedimic, you know? we all have to fight it off.
You love people so deeply and you care SO MUCH...it's a beautiful, beautiful thing. Remember where your strength comes from, have a cup of tea, and keep going. The circles will fade.
And...know that you are not alone.
My Psalm for the day is Psalms 9:10. It's for you, too.
" For thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee."
At 9.11.06,
The Secret of Happiness said…
Thanks Anna.
At 9.11.06,
Anonymous said…
i have not forgotten what someone once told me, "as long as you keep your eyebrows up, you can hide anything." not sure if it hides EVERYTHING, but it conceals much.
you are beautiful! inside and out. don't ever forget it.
At 9.11.06,
Jennifer (JR) said…
You know when you are on your "time of the month" and your close friends get theirs too because of some cosmic ora thing? Well, I think the same is true with this aging thing. I had a freak out day (well, this semester, I have had many of those days) when I decided to take a really good look at my face in the mirror...
I too saw lines and the beginnings of wrinkles...then I looked at my hair line just to convince myself that I am going bald...AND since I can't afford to color my hair, I have grey hairs. Not just one grey hair, but hairS. And I don't know if I am inadequate of taking off my mascara, but I have constant dark circles under my eyes...teaching WILL become the death of me - that I am convinced!
I started to freak out...I am going to be 25 in a month and I feel like I haven't done anything worthwhile in my life.
There is so much I would like to do and so many places I would like to go, but whenever I get the idea in my head, everyday circumstances shoots me right back to reality.
I guess what I am trying to say here is that you are not alone...and it helps to know that I am not the only "young" adult thinking about the same things! Thanks for putting into words what i have been thinking for a long time! Love you...can't wait to see you :)
At 10.11.06,
Johnny said…
"Inside every older person is a younger person who's wondering what happened" (Unknown).
Grace, peace, and a good sense of humor,
At 10.11.06,
Kathy said…
Oh my gosh Kristy, this blog has hit home with me today. Dang...you literally stole the words from my mind.
Wow...I haven't read anything that I could relate to more than that in a long time. Thank you for sharing...it wasn't depressing, it's raw, real and needed.
Thanks friend. I hope you feel as though you can always vent to me. I miss our chats.
Take care.
At 16.11.06,
Stephanie said…
Just now catching up on blogs...
You are beautiful... inside and out! And I think the older you get, the more beautiful you will become.
Sometimes the effort it takes to put on a smiley face and act like everything is okay is more burdensome and more tiresome than it is to just be real and sometimes not very pleasant... it wears me out... but, I'm not very good at it. You are though, so it's easy to look at you and think everything is great, which is good for people who seek encouragment and support from you, but not great when you want encouragment and support from others.
My favorite thing to do when I feel like my body is getting old and beaten is to go for a walk or run outside... the fresh air, trees, and bodily exercise are always refreshing.
I miss you!!
Did I mention that I miss you?
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